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Go Skipstone™

NewFoundry has forged a new, breakthrough brand in the world of video technology.

Say hello to Skipstone.


Over the past year and a half, NewFoundry has been framing, fabricating and forging something special on behalf of land conservancy organizations in Southeast Michigan.

We are proud to announce the launch of SEMIWILD.

Creating Brand Intimacy Through Innovation

Business is moving faster than ever and so are relationships. For brands and companies that want to grow quickly, creating brand intimacy through innovation is mission-critical.

Too many businesses get caught up in jargon-heavy social media speak and technical writing that misses the point altogether: human conversation. People do business with people. Brands that get this speak as if they were talking over coffee at a local diner. Brands that excel at this listen, understand, and go for depth, almost like dating.

Brand Personality is Everything

Interacting with brands is analogous to personal relationships: We are attracted to intriguing, self-assured, reliant, and one-of-a-kind people. These are the type of brands that people choose to have a relationship with. We find those who lack such characteristics and who do not showcase a distinct point of view to be somewhat tedious and uninspiring.

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